Thursday, April 23, 2009

Marriage or cohabitation, thats a good question

Living with your significant other can be a tricky topic and a tricky situation. I do agree with your view on not cohabiting with multiple people and while reading your article link, I do also agree that living with someone outside of marriage when one has a child is not a good idea. Some points though I do not agree with at all.
I have lived with my boyfriend going on 7 months. Now we are probably different then some couples you speak of since we did discussed marriage and where we wanted to take the relationship before we officially moved in together. We even met with a couple’s counselor before we officially took this step. In my experience, living together has made us even stronger. It has made me realize that I can actually marry him and live with him.
When it comes to statistics I cannot say that I agree. Since the 70's divorce has been on the rise. Over half of marriages end in divorce but I do not agree or believe that a majority of that is due to living with someone before they get married. It is extremely easy and acceptable to get divorced now a day whereas before it was looked down upon.
We are all entitled to our opinions and I do think you have some valid points. In my opinion though I think if a couple is smart about it and is doing it for the right reasons, why does it matter? Why should a state have it illegal? We are a Country built on freedom and this is just one of the many perks to living here.

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