Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is $789 billion really enough?

On Wednesday Feb. 11th a bill was passed after a long and argument filled 24 hour debate. This bill is called the $789 billion economic stimulus bill. This bill's entire purpose is to help our economy and pull us into economic recovery. It is also striving to create more jobs by giving companies and consumer’s money. Obama has been in office a few weeks and he is already not only making a difference but also holding up his side of the deal. This entire article went from excitement for this new possible economic recovery bill that could pull us out of this recession, to the arguments of both the democrats and the republicans how this bill will not work. I really encourage everyone to read this article because it gave me a better understanding of how bad our economy is and how nobody can really seem to agree on how to fix it.
To me $789 billion dollars is a lot of money. According to the Democrats this still is not enough. Apparently when the bill was first put on the table they were asking for $ 2.5 trillion dollars to fix our economic crisis, are they serious? Is our economy really that bad right now? Although they agreed to make it "less" they were upset over the cuts that had to be made. Cuts on things that they felt are very important. I hope that they pass this bill officially and on Monday Obama signs it. Then hopefully we can start to see our economy rise again.

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